Portfolio Management Services


The portfolio management across all our core services are based on an ‘absolute return’ strategy with management based on risk, volatility and absolute performance in line with the preferred risk rating. Structural risk is reduced through the use predominantly of highly regulated European based structures – typically UCITS compliant collective investment schemes managed by the most reputable global asset managers. Market risk is reduced through a rigorous and strict risk management system analysed and managed by the Integra Private Wealth team. We believe a structured and disciplined investment process is central to our endeavour to deliver good returns. Our Investment Committee meets regularly to review and select individual funds within each of the various investment markets. No use of derivatives or direct short selling takes place on the portfolios and forex exposure is generally based on hedge techniques rather than speculative purposes. The targets on absolute returns for the growth portfolios (set on a rolling time horizon of 5 years) are set at a range of +3% to +5% annualised returns for cautious portfolios a range of +4% to +7% annualised for moderate portfolios and a range of +8% to +12% for aggressive portfolios. These returns are targeted within a specific level of volatility and risk tolerance for each risk category. The target distribution yields of the cautious income portfolios are set at +3.5% p.a. over the 10-year German Bund for the Euro Income Portfolios, +3.0% p.a. over the yield of the 10-year Gilt Bonds for Sterling Income Portfolios and 2.0% over the yield of the 10-year US Treasury for US Dollar Income Portfolios. These returns are not guaranteed and portfolios may produce a lower return or register losses. The updated information and fact sheets highlighting past performance figures can be found in the links below. The analytical team at Integra Private Wealth produces a number of documents to provide regularly updated information to clients on the performance of each model including a weekly report. Other in-house and third-party communications and analytical reports are provided to clients via the Members Access area.

Integra also offers ad-hoc portfolio management services to clients who require a very specific portfolio management service. Because of the highly customised nature of this service, it is only offered on portfolios with a value of Eur3m and above. Through this service, clients can provide their own specific portfolio management parameters which the Integra dedicated portfolio managers will execute either through an External Asset Management service or under nominee. Further information about this service can be found in the related Information Sheet.

Core Portfolio Management Services Information Sheets & Fact Sheets

EURO - Cautious Growth
May 2024

STERLING - Cautious Growth
May 2024

USD - Cautious Growth
May 2024

EURO - Moderate Growth
May 2024

STERLING - Moderate Growth
May 2024

USD - Moderate Growth
May 2024

EURO - Aggressive Growth
May 2024

USD - Aggressive Growth
May 2024

EURO - Cautious Income
May 2024

STERLING - Cautious Income
May 2024